
kecelaruan maklumat

sumber: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZZfuZZg5Ks&feature=related


sumber : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z3ujDAzsOY&feature=relmfu

15 Fun Facts About Malaysia


1. Do u know that "TUN" is the most senior federal title and there can be no more than 25 living recipients at any one time. Thats’s great achievement Tun Mahathir!

2.Malaysia has 65,877 km of highway. This is more than the Earth's circumference of 40,075 km. WOW!

3. Do u know that the spiritual pop group Raihan holds the record for the best-selling local album, 700,000 units of their Puji-Pujianalbum in 1996. Congratulation guys! I will always be ur fans!

4. Who said we don’t have Jewish grave here? Of coz we have. The country's only Jewish cemetery is in Penang, in Jalan Zainal Abidin, with 120 graves!

5. Do u know what is the best jet fighter in the world? Of coz la not Malaysia’s Sukhoi 30-MKM, but F-22 Raptor by Lockheed Martin! They are crazy men! Their jet not only can outfly and outrun any other plane in the world, this plane can do so while remaining virtually unseen!

6. When u asked ‘mat saleh’ to comment about Malaysia, they will probably say this, “most of the coffees and teas are sweetened with TONS of sugar”.

7. Never ask a Malaysian how is his business or studies. Standard response: OK la. Immediately, switch to u and asks " So, I see u put on weight. Goodlah u! 

8. Malaysians only call themselves Malaysians when they are outside the country, otherwise they call themselves Chinese, Indians, Malays & "dan lain-lain"

9. The Kelantan Menteri Besar Tuan Guru Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat was ranked at 42 from 500 most influential muslims worldwide. He is the only Malaysian-Muslims listed in top 50, which means he is the MOST INFLUENTIAL MUSLIM IN MALAYSIA. Impressive!

10. We bought 12 Eurocopters for RM2.317 billion, while Brazil bought the same 50 units of Eurocopter, for US$1.2 billion (RM4.14 billion). U do the math.

11. Malay people love to read Metro, Mastika, URTV, Mangga, while Non-Malays love to read The Edge, Personal Money, The Malaysian Reserve.

12. Proton is a national car company that we should protect and help them. That’s why here we have to pay RM 66,799.97 for Proton Waja, while at Saudi they can get Proton Waja for only RM35,673. We heart Proton!

13. Malaysian people are funny because we bought 2 submarines (Scorpene) for 3.4 billions ringgit, and it cannot even dive! But it’s okay, it can be turn to be ‘sampan’.

14. Malay love to buy, Chinese love to sell.

15. Malaysian people are very kind where now everyone pun wants to become a beggar because it’s so easy to ask people for money.
sumber : http://billyuniversal.blogspot.com/2011/03/15-fun-facts-about-malaysia.html

30 Facts about Islam.


1) "Islam" means "Peace through the submission to God". 2) "Muslim" means "anyone or anything that submits itself to the will of God". 3) Islam is not a cult. Its followers number over 1.5 billion worldwide. Along with Judaism and Christianity, it is considered to be one of the three Abrahamic traditions. 4) There are five pillars of practice in Islam. These practices must be undertaken with the best of effort in order to be considered a true Muslim: A) Shahadah - declaration of faith in the oneness of God and that Muhammad is the last prophet of God. B) Formal prayer five times a day. C) Fasting during the daylight hours in the month of Ramadan. D) Poor-due "tax" - 2.5% of one's savings given to the needy at the end of each year. E) Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once, if physically and financially able. 5) There are six articles of faith in Islam. These are the basic beliefs that one must have in order to be considered a true Muslim. They are belief in: A) the One God. B) all the prophets of God. C) the original scriptures revealed to Prophets Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad. D) the angels. E) the Day of Judgment and the Hereafter. F) the divine decree (or destiny). 6) Islam is a complete way of life that governs all facets of life: moral, spiritual, social, political, economical, intellectual, etc. 7) Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. To become Muslim, a person of any race or culture must say a simple statement, the shahadah, that bears witness to the belief in the One God and that Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet of God. 8) "Allah" is an Arabic word that means "God". Muslims also believe that "Allah" is the personal name of God. 9) Allah is not the God of Muslims only. He is the God of all people and all creation. Just because people refer to God using different terms does not mean that they are different gods. Spanish people refer to God as "Dios" and French people refer to God as "Dieu", yet they are all the same God. Interestingly, most Arab Jews and Arab Christians refer to God as "Allah". And the word Allah in Arabic appears on the walls of many Arab churches. 10) The Islamic concept of God is that He is loving, merciful, and compassionate. But Islam also teaches that He is just and swift in punishment. Nevertheless, Allah once said to Prophet Muhammad, "My mercy prevails over my wrath." Islam teaches a balance between fear and hope, protecting one from both complacency and despair. 11) Muslims believe that God has revealed 99 of His names (or attributes) in the Holy Qur'an. It is through these names that one can come to know the Creator. A few of these names are: the All-Merciful, the All-Knower, the Protector, the Provider, the Near, the First, the Last, the Hidden, and the Source of Peace. 12) Muslims believe in and acknowledge all the prophets of old, from Adam to Jesus. Muslims believe that they brought the message of peace and submission (islam) to different peoples at different times. Muslims also believe that these prophets were "muslims" because they submitted their wills to God. 13) Muslims neither worship Muhammad nor pray through him. Muslims solely worship the unseen and Omniscient Creator, Allah. 14) Muslims accept the original unaltered Torah (the Gospel of Moses) and the original Bible (the Gospel of Jesus) since they were revealed by God. However, none of those original scriptures are in existence today, in their entirety. Therefore, Muslims follow the subsequent, final, and preserved revelation of God, the Holy Qur'an. 15) The Holy Qur'an was not authored by Muhammad. It was authored by God, revealed to Muhammad, and written into physical form by his companions. 16) The Holy Qur'an has no flaws or contradictions. The original Arabic scriptures have never been changed or tampered with. 17) Actual seventh century Qur'ans, complete and intact, are on display in museums in Turkey and many other places around the world. 18) If all Qur'ans in the world today were burned and destroyed, the original Arabic would still remain. This is because millions of Muslims, called Hafiz (or "preservers") have memorized the text letter for letter from beginning to end, every word and syllable. Also, chapters from the Qur'an are precisely recited from memory by every Muslim in each of the five daily prayers. 19) Muslims do not believe in the concept of "vicarious atonement" but rather believe in the law of personal responsibility. Islam teaches that each person is responsible for his or her own actions. On the Day of Judgment Muslims believe that every person will be resurrected and will have to answer to God for their every word, thought, and deed. Consequently, a practicing Muslim is always striving to be righteous. 20) Islam was not spread by the sword. It was spread by the word (Islamic teachings) and the example of its followers. Islam teaches that there is no compulsion in religion (the Holy Qur'an 2:256 and 10:99). 21) Terrorism, unjustified violence and the killing of innocent people are absolutely forbidden in Islam. Islam is a way of life that is meant to bring peace to a society, whether its people are Muslim or not. The extreme actions of those who claim to be Muslim may be, among other things, a result of their ignorance or uncontrolled anger. Tyrant rulers and those who commit acts of terrorism in the name of Islam are simply not following Islam. These people are individuals with their own views and political agendas. Fanatical Muslims are no more representative of the true Islamic teachings than Timothy McVeigh or David Koresh are of Christianity. Extremism and fanaticism is a problem that is common to all religious groups. Anyone who thinks that all Muslims are terrorists should remember that the famous boxer Muhammad Ali, perhaps the most celebrated person of our era, is a practicing Muslim. 22) The word "jihad" does not mean "holy war". Instead, it means the inner struggle that one endures in trying to submit their will to the will of God. Some Muslims may say they are going for "jihad" when fighting in a war to defend themselves or their fellow Muslims, but they only say this because they are conceding that it will be a tremendous struggle. But there are many other forms of jihad which are more relevant to the everyday life of a Muslim such as the struggles against laziness, arrogance, stinginess, or the struggle against a tyrant ruler or against the temptation of Satan, or against one's own ego, etc. 23) Women are not oppressed in Islam. Any Muslim man that oppresses a woman is not following Islam. Among the many teachings of Prophet Muhammad that protected the rights and dignity of women is his saying, "...the best among you are those who treat their wives well." (Tirmidhi) 24) Islam grants women numerous rights in the home and in society. Among them are the right to earn money, to financial support, to an education, to an inheritance, to being treated kindly, to vote, to a dowry, to keep their maiden name, to worship in a mosque, etc., etc. 25) Muslim women wear the head-covering (hijab) in fulfillment of God's decree to dress modestly. From a practical standpoint, it serves to identify one as attempting to follow God in daily life and, therefore, protects women from unwanted advances from men. This type of modest dress has been worn by righteous women throughout history. Prominent examples are traditional Catholic Nuns, Mother Teresa and the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. 26) Arranged marriages are allowed in Islam but are not required. Whereas "forced" marriages, usually stemming from cultural practice, are forbidden. Divorce is permissible, however, reconciliation is what is most encouraged. But if there are irreconcilable differences then Islam permits a fair and just divorce. 27) Islam and the "Nation of Islam" are two different religions. Islam is a religion for all races and enjoins the worship of the one unseen God who, orthodox Muslims believe, never took human form. The "Nation", on the other hand, is a movement geared towards non-whites and teaches that God appeared in the form of Fard Muhammad in 1930 and that Elijah Muhammad (a man who died in 1975) was a prophet of God. These beliefs clearly contradict the basic Islamic theology outlined in the Qur'an. The followers of "the Nation" adhere to some Islamic principles that are mixed with many other teachings that are alien to Islam. To better understand the difference between the two, read about Malcolm X, his pilgrimage to Mecca and his subsequent comments to the media. Islam teaches equality amongst all the races (Holy Qur'an 49:13). 28) All Muslims are not Arab. Islam is a universal religion and way of life which includes followers from all races of people. There are Muslims in and from virtually every country in the world. Arabs only constitute about 20% of Muslims worldwide. Indonesia has the largest concentration of Muslims with over 120 million. 29) In the five daily prayers, Muslims face the Kaaba in Mecca, Arabia. It is a cube-shaped stone structure that was originally built by Prophet Adam and later rebuilt by Prophet Abraham. Muslims believe that the Kaaba was the first house of worship on Earth dedicated to the worship of one god. Muslims do not worship the Kaaba. It serves as a central focal point for Muslims around the world, unifying them in worship and symbolizing their common belief, spiritual focus and direction. Interestingly, the inside of the Kaaba is empty. 30) The hajj is a simultaneous pilgrimage to the Kaaba made by millions of Muslims each year. It is performed to commemorate the struggles of Abraham, Ishmael and Hagar in submitting their wills to God.
Sumber : http://www.islamondemand.com/30_facts.html



teman bukan macam papan skekboard... belum main , pegi lap... dah main , pijak... teman bukan macam bola sepak... belum dapat , kejar... dah dapat , tendang... teman bukan macam bulu tangkis... belum main , pegang... dah main, pukul... teman ibarat ragbi... belum dapat , rebut... dah dapat , lindungi... teman ibarat jari... lukanye sembuh sendiri... hilangnya , tak ada gnti.... :D Nurul Akmal copy from : Mierae Kiroro

Maher Zain NUMBER ONE FOR ME by Zahin : Child Version

Nurul Akmal

Salah Faham

Nurul Akmal

Awan Nano [ Parody ]

Nurul Akmal


Malaysia (Listeni/məˈleɪʒə/ mÉ™-lay-zhÉ™ or Listeni/məˈleɪsiÉ™/ mÉ™-lay-see-É™) is a federal constitutional monarchy in Southeast Asia. It consists of thirteen states and three federal territories and has a total landmass of 329,847 square kilometres (127,350 sq mi) separated by the South China Sea into two similarly sized regions, Peninsular Malaysia and Malaysian Borneo. Land borders are shared with ThailandIndonesia, and Brunei, and maritime borders exist with Singapore,Vietnam, and the Philippines. The capital city is Kuala Lumpur, while Putrajaya is the seat of the federal government. In 2010 the population exceeded 27.5 million, with over 20 million living on the Peninsula.
Malaysia has its origins in the Malay Kingdoms present in the area which, from the 18th century, became subject to the British Empire. The first British territories were known as theStraits Settlements, whose establishment was followed by the Malay kingdoms becoming British protectorates. The territories on Peninsular Malaysia were first unified as the Malayan Union in 1946. Malaya was restructured as the Federation of Malaya in 1948, and achieved independence on 31 August 1957. Malaya united with SabahSarawak, and Singapore on 16 September 1963, with si being added to give the new country the name Malaysia. However, less than two years later in 1965, Singapore was expelled from the federation. Since independence, Malaysia has had one of the best economic records in Asia, with GDP growing an average 6.5% for almost 50 years. The economy has traditionally been fuelled by its natural resources, but is expanding in the sectors of science, tourism, commerce and medical tourism.
The country is multi-ethnic and multi-cultural, which plays a large role in politics. The government system is closely modelled on the Westminster parliamentary system and the legal system is based on English Common Law. The constitution declares Islam the state religion while protecting freedom of religion. The head of state is the King, known as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. He is an elected monarch chosen from the hereditary rulers of the nineMalay states every five years. The head of government is the Prime Minister.
Malaysia contains the southernmost point of continental EurasiaTanjung Piai. Located in thetropics, it is a megadiverse country, with large numbers of endemic flora and fauna. It is a founding member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, and a member of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Commonwealth of Nations, and the Non-Aligned Movement.


Malaysia is a federation of 13 states and three federal territories. These are divided between two regions, with 11 states and two federal territories on Peninsular Malaysia and the other two states and one federal territory in East Malaysia. Governance of the states is divided between the federal and the state governments, and the Federal government has direct administration of the federal territories.[82]
The 13 states are based on historical Malay Kingdoms, and 9 of the 11 Peninsular states, known as the Malay states, retain their royal families. The King is elected by and from the nine rulers to serve a five-year term.[3] Each state has a unicameral legislature known as theState Legislative Assembly. The states of East Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak) have separate immigration policies and controls, and a unique residency status.[83] For citizens of one of these states or Peninsular Malaysia, the other areas of Malaysia are considered foreign countries under immigration laws.[84] Each state is further divided into districts, which are then divided into mukim. In Sabah and Sarawak districts are grouped into divisions.[85]
The federal parliament is permitted to legislate on issues of land, the Islamic religion and local government, in order to provide for a uniform law among all states. It may also intervene at the request of the state assembly concerned. Except for some land related laws, the in question must also be passed by the state assembly. Non-Islamic issues that fall under the purview of the state may also be legislated at the federal level for the purpose of conforming with Malaysian treaty obligations.[86]


High school Friendship

High school friendships rarely last

Eventually school becomes a blurry past
As we get caught up in our lives
Forget to be good husbands and wives
Constantly working to pay bills and taxes
No one stops and relaxes
Kids are ignored by busy parents
Who always get in arguments
As we move along its work, eat, sleep
We all continue weather happy or sad
And sometimes we miss the high school friends we had 
-Breanna Verkon

When If Meets Must

If we can fight together, we must strive together 
If we can play together, we must pray together 
If we can plan together, we must stand together 
If we can cry together, we must try together 
We must strive together, if we can fight together 
We must pray together, if we can play together 
We must stand together, if we can plan together 
We must try together, if we can cry together 
The future of man is built on a plan 
Of working together whenever we can 
So "if" must stand so tall 
And "must" alone, cannot fall 
For together, forever we bring 
The best, the good of it al 
-James Weldon Lane


A wonderful city 
A place for lovers 
A city to dream wild 
In that river the boats are moving with lovers inside 
Watching that beautiful sky above the river 
And the moon from that beautiful sky
Is shining in
The river 
A city that never sleeps 
The romance is in the air 
The lovers are feeling the love that are in the air 
That smell of the roses the lovers can smell 
This is the sign that spring is here 
Spring is the most beautiful time of the year 
Now that winter has finally gone to sleep 
The lovers welcome spring with open arms 
-Aldo Kraas



Nature is mighty Nature is strong 
Nature is usually always right
 Nature is rarely ever wrong 
Nature is beauty Nature is moody
 Nature is smart Nature always has the greater part
 Nature is blue Nature is green Nature is every color possibly seen
 Nature is true Nature is beaming Nature is dreaming Nature is in every place
 Nature is always with grace
 Nature is true Nature is you Nature is me
 Nature will forever be free.
-Anees Akbar


"Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you- not because they are nice, but YOU are" -Anonymous

Pinang muda dibelah dua
Anak burung mati diranggah
Dari muda sampai ke tua
Ajaran baik jangan diubah

Orang tua patut disegani
Boleh mendapat ajar nasihat
Ular yang bisa tidak begini
Bisa lagi lidah yang jahat

Ramai orang menggali perigi
Ambil buluh lalu diikat
Ilmu dicari tak akan rugi
Buat bekalan dunia akhirat

Tuan Haji memakai jubah
Singgah sembahyang di tepi lorong
Kalau sudah kehendak Allah
Rezeki segenggam jadi sekarung

Source: http://halaqah.net/v10/index.php?topic=2059.0


Budi Bahasa

Anak rusa masuk ke taman
Puas sudah orang memburu
Kalau muda jadikan teman
Kalau tua jadikan guru

Berakit ke hulu dengan bergalah
Buluh pecah terbelah dua
Orang tua jangan dilangkah
Kelak biadap dituduhnya pula

Rusa betina berbelang kaki
Mati terkena jerat sembat
Orang yang muda kita sanjungi
Orang yang tua kita hormat

Sorong papan tarik papan
Buah keranji dalam perahu
Suruh makan awak makan
Suruh mengaji awak tak mahu

Anna Abadi membeli halia
FR memesan membeli laksa
Jadilah insan berhati mulia
Baik hati berbudi bahasa



Islam is the way to freedom,
It’s my pass to Thy Kingdom
My Taqwa, my Ibadah, my Tawbah
I shall never abandon

In this month I wear a vest
Where In pockets live the best,
Thy mercy is only I seek
My humble one request.

This rainfall, Thou bestowed Thy bliss
Upon our souls and bravura trees,
It’s everything a Muslim as I
Should need to spend within my Deen.

Ya Rahman! Ya Rahim!
Ya Allah! My Allah!
Only to Thee I submit,
Only in Thee I believe.

At hours of darkness I prostrate
Thus every day Thy grant and heal
The scars I bear in fights for You,
To You my faith is beyond surreal

The struggle I admire to bear
It pulls me towards You so near,
In this month I share and care,
I won’t wipe off my stream of tears

In the Night of Power,
In Laylat al-Qadr,
I cry for Thy forgiveness
I pray for Thy guidance.

O’ Allah! O’ Redeemer!
To Thee I do surrender,
My life in Thy presence it shines, I breathe so brightly; I survive
As long as I’m alive this way, Inshallah I pray I’ll do just fine.


Sumber : http://www.islamicpoem.com/?q=node/6299



Allahummagfirli warhamni wahdini (2)
Yaa Allah yaa Allah
You have given us our life,
Air and water to our survive.
Given us Rasulallah
To guide us to achieve destiny.

You have given beautiful flowers in garden,
Given strength in organs to remove burden.
Allah....... Allah.......
Though there was no cause,
After getting all those,
We didn't pray to you,
We didn't praise to you.
Inni mujrimu fa'fu anni.

You've created the universe for only us,
Made us best of all creation and glorious.
Allah........ Allah.........
We've deviated from the way you gifted.
Ihdinas siratal mustakim.
Inni mujrimu fa'fu anni.

Tuhin Shakur


Sumber : http://www.islamicpoem.com/?q=node/517

Life is Like a Story Book


Allah's Creations

Who am I ?
I am none
The person
Allah has created
My Prophet has led
My elders have raised
My teachers have guided
My husband has loved
My friends have supported
My children have taught
Me to become.
All praise to Allah
All benefit comes from Him
And all shortcomings
Are from
My own weaknesses.

The Universe


What our religion of "ISLAM" means

When the sun shines
It spreads light all over
Just like that
our religion of Islam
spreads faithfulness, love
Forgiveness and peace
all over our hearts
and lives.

When a rose blooms
it shows wonderful hearts
Just like that
our religion of Islam
shows cooperation, happiness
mercy and kindness
that we share with
each other .

When the light approaches
darkness goes away
Just like that is
our religion of Islam
When our religion arives
it removes all tensions,
bad habits and hate
We have within .

So, if you wonder and tell me
" What a great religion
I'll smile and say
"It cannot be defined
For it's life's process
and the key to
happiness and success"

Surah Al Kafirun

sumber : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC4A9KHyqIo

Ustaz Azhar Idrus - Tanda Kiamat (Songkok Tukang Masak)

Sumber : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8tPNozn26o


Look at me,
it's not my true identity
I have a covert identity,
i wonder if you'd ever see,
my thoughts, my deeds
are all that makes me
but something I may do
may not describe me.

My true identity
has fled me,
fled me to another
to my friends and family
my true identity
is all that makes me.

So lost deep inside
if its not for my soul
i would[d be lost again
my true identity
is hard to see.

Accept who you are
recognize your own beauty
identity isn't a need,
your identity should be your own
a better person you will be known
this is me, this is my identity
my true identity is all full of beauty.

-Cyrus Diaz



Respect each peer
Respect each foe more
Attributes stand next to your conscience’s core

Respect each night
Respect each day
Actions reveal your character in every way

Respect each creature
Respect each beast
Trust unveils truth hidden behind nature’s mist

Respect each cloud
Respect each grain of sand
Mercy will offer you her helping hand

Respect each color
Respect each race
Equality speaks only of mercy and grace

Respect each river
Respect each pond
Mother Nature conveys her great wonders and beyond

Walk into each day,
With your heart soaked in hope and joy
As day fades and night endures
Respect will never destroy

-Anders Lim


Random Things About My Mother

My mother whose eyes were strained
By a sadness that stained her eyes
With grey and blue hue

My mother who never blew
Out candles on a birthday cake

My mother who never knew
The thrills of flying in an airplane

My mother who forever threw
Her pearls to swine

My mother who knew
No contentment in living

My who mother never lived
To be even seventy two
My mother who it is true
Stopped living long before she died
My mother from whose mouth flew
Words of disappointment and fury
My mother whose lips
Tasted bitter tears
My mother sat impatiently
In sorrow through her years
My mother who like Kunta Kinte
Was tamed by Diabets

My mother who was tamed
By my father
My mother who was captured by my father
My mother who fought with my father
The two them struggling false teeth piercing each others flesh
My mother who my father told to go and cook the mint
My mother who would beat us and cause wounds and bruises to our skin
My mother who love to walk about
My mother who gave a toe
A day away

My mother who kiked with her stump of a leg after she lost her foot
My mother who was a great dresser
My mother who could sing
Sang on the church choir
My mother who would be at the front of the church earliest every Saturday
My mother who insisted I be baptized and save by the holy ghost

My mother had beautiful handwriting
My mother who had nine children for five different men
My mother who tried to settle down with my father
My mother who could never swim
My mother who loved to sing
My mother who would tie us up on leashes and take us for long walks through the town
My mother who sought out hand me-downs – for our clothing

My mother who was active in the Welfare Society at church so she could cream the crop for her family
My mother who instigated many a conflicts with her numerous friend was left with only a few in the end.

My mother whom I so wanted to help evolve
My mother who I helped to live
My mother who I had to let die
My mother who lives in me

-Fleurette Elaine Harris



A wonderful city
A place for lovers
A city to dream wild
In that river the boats are moving with lovers inside
Watching that beautiful sky above the river
And the moon from that beautiful sky
Is shining in
The river
A city that never sleeps
The romance is in the air
The lovers are feeling the love that are in the air
That smell of the roses the lovers can smell
This is the sign that spring is here
Spring is the most beautiful time of the year
Now that winter has finally gone to sleep
The lovers welcome spring with open arms

-Aldo Kraas


It Is Murder

When you take away a life
With the aid of a knife

It is murder

While you extinguish the living with a gun
Without being able to recreate what was born

It is murder

If you feed someone dead tablets
Later have second acrimonious regrets

It is murder

You are taking away a life
It is clinging on to survive
Need I say anymore further
It is murder

Murder sprung by a fling
With ropes or a string
Your hands only bring
Death around a necks ring

Execution by suffocation
Condemned with abomination
Deliberate foetus termination

It is murder

Make no mistake,
Be careful
Asleep or awake!
Murder is unlawful

If death occurs because of the effects of an evil curse
I will say this with my lips pursed
'What a great loss, but this is not murder!

Copyright 2006 - Sylvia Chidi



Gorgeous girl, who is it to blame
Anonymous girl, who knows her name
Saddened girl, who makes her cry
Blind girl, who can't love anymore
Lonely girl, who wants to touch her
Speechless girl, who kissed her
Gossip girl, who talks about her
Baby girl, who gave birth to her
Pretty girl, who broke your heart
Promiscious girl, who's promise got broken
Girlie girl, why you're wearing pants
Ugly girl, who can change her
Party girl, who will drink tonight
I don't even want to be an idiot pretty girl....

-Joy O' Pateng


My Future

My future is already set
My future is finding the right person for me
I plan on keeping that one forever
This future tells me that i am going to have a perfect husband
My future tells me that i would be doing what i love in life
This future tells me to keep my dreams and opition open
In my future i am going to be a great mother
This future tells me already that i am going to have the man i always wanted and a babygirl named Dymond the name i always wanted too.
My future id just perfect....
My future

-Jessica Williams


A True Friend

A true friend
A true friend is the one who picks you up when you fall
A true friend is one that won't lie
A true friend is there when you call
A true friend is there when you want to die
A true friend knows just what to say
A true friend won't care what other people think
A true friend will help you find your way
A true friend will make sure you don't sink
A true friend will help you choose your path
A true friend will know when something is wrong
A true friend has to sometimes face your wrath
A true friend makes you feel like you belong
A true friend

-Ashley Reese


You Are Beautiful

You are beautiful
Not only because of the brownness of your eyes
Or the shape of your body
Not only because of the fullness of your lips
Or the curl of your eye lashes

You are beautiful because You want to be
You are beautiful because God made you that way
You are beautiful because in my eyes

You are beautiful because you have a heart
And that is a beautiful thing
You are beautiful because you have a brain
And that is a beautiful thing
You are beautiful because You give advice
And that is a beautiful thing

You are beautiful because God made You that way
You are beautiful because in my eyes

You are beautiful because you have confidence
You are beautiful because you have determination and wit
You are beautiful because you have goals and you plan to reach them
You are beautiful because you are always there to lend a helping hand

You are beautiful because God made you beautiful

-Rahul Chaturvedi


Kebesaran Allah saat tsunami di Aceh

Sumber : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrvRnRK5mMw&feature=related