
Safety Of Food Sold at Roadside Food Stall

EBE 3 : Safety Of food sold at roadside food stall

            Lately, today's society is not indifferent about food safety in the stalls by

the roadside. People do not think whether  that the level of food hygiene in the

stalls can be guaranteed to be clean. What is important to them is food in the

stalls are delicious and tasty to eat. 

            The level of cleanliness at the roadside stalls is very doubtful because

they are  exposed to dust by the roadside. At the same time, many vehicles

passing by and cause the result in carbon monoxide emissions that escape

in air and exposed .  So that food will be contaminated by the smoke.

When a person eating at the food stalls, they would easily get  stomach ache

and diarrhea because the food was contaminated.

            In addition, the water supply was also among the causes of food cooking

is not good to be eaten by people. This is because the water used was  not

cooked. They used water from the tap  The level of cleanliness was not

concerned by these people.  But, who would bear the pain?. Customers also that

bear the pain. This is due to the water supply is not cooked.

            Next, the source of food security in the stalls on the street is not

net result of employees working in the stalls. This is because some employees

when they commence work as cooking, washing vegetables and so on, they do

not emphasis will clean their hands. While some employees wash their hands, do
they wash their hands the right way? Of course not, because most employees

very busy with their work. Therefore, they just wash their hands by not following

the correct way. Thus, food served to the customer is not clean and not good for

consumption. In effect, customers will be an upset stomach.

            Food security in the stalls on the street is very doubtful owing to the

employees themselves. It is caused by food uncovered and lying on the table just

like that. As we know, some employees have forgotten to close the food

snow or with a plastic lid. Food will be dirty and not good eating

because the food is exposed to the dust and sand that is in the vicinity

road. With such a situation, the food was contaminated.

In addition, the circumstances surrounding the stalls by the roadside stall also

affect food security. This is because some areas stalls on the street is very

dirty. Traders do not take care about the cleanliness of their area of ​​their food

business. What Surprisingly, a customer came in the stalls for to eat even though

they know that the place was very dirty and not good for business.

            As a conclusion, all communities and all parties should work

together to reduce the problem of food security in the stall roadside stalls are

becoming more common now. Hopefully, the cooperation between all parties can

reduce the security problem food stalls by the roadside.


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