
Peer Pressure and Impact on Lifestyle

Lately, the issue of troubled teens are becoming more common. This

situation is an obstacle for the economy will thus degrading our country, formerly

known by staff courteous society, might get a negative presumption of foreign

people who come to Malaysia for their personal use. News about teen social

problems and symptoms of yellow often heard from the television screen but also

often appear in newspapers. In fact, this rumor is announce through local

media. Consequently, there are those who blame peer influence as a major

cause of what causes the problem is more widespread social problems around

the world. Why such an incident involving the generation of hope to our country?

            In my opinion, there's no denying the influence of peers is one of the

causes that causes social problems and symptoms of jaundice, such as

participating in secret societies, smoking, sniffing glue, skipping school, and

much more. If seen from a positive perspective, peers were the closest to our

other family members. As friends, we should help them back on track, not

distorted. Interplay is one of human nature. In addition to the teenagers that are

easy enough on his mind trapped in an unhealthy symptom. They are tough-

minded to come forward if passions under control. The nature of those easily

swayed finally able to destroy some human future of our country are expected to

develop in line with the 'Vision 2020'.

            Therefore, we should not blame the influence of peers in one hundred

percent. There are also teenagers who have family problems such as parental

divorce, loss of loved ones depend on or may have an impact on them. Similarly,

those who live in families whose parents place more importance on career than

their own children. A lack of love will cause them to think negatively towards their

parents and started to look to depend on and are stuck in an unhealthy symptom

to fill empty time. Such parents may not have time to monitor the movements of

their children at home. Consequently, the more likely children will be 'mirrored in

cloudy water.

            Life of the troubled teen may not be in order. They will not know the

source and the original purpose of their lives. When the pupils skipping school,

parents will be called and questioned about the absence of their children in

school. Children who at first the family hope to succeed and excel in academics

suddenly trapped in an unhealthy phenomenon and difficult to realize that will

devastate their parents if they know their children are full of absenteeism and

truancy often . This will lead to family problems and will be looked down upon by


            Community has begun to show their stripes hidden all these years to see

the youth. There were also spreading rumors, insulting and have some of the talk

of the public. Not enough by way of verbal, some are to do with the act. For

example, today's society that valued money. They are as drug dealers, vendors,

cigarettes, rich merchants, entertainment centers, etc. triad.

            They are also the cause of the causes of negative symptoms. When there

are students who work under this group, they would invite their friends some

others to do the same and may affect the very poor, one of which is likely to be

absent from school students to carry out this illegal activity. Some of them may

also continue to quit school to continue in office and continue this illegal work. If

arrested, the parents may continue to bear the shame and the children may

become victims of abuse as a result of their actions if the parents are angry and


            In conclusion, we should not only put the blame for today's troubled

youth. All parties should work together to solve this problem. Individuals also

should know how to choose friends who can guide and give strength to your

friends if they have a problem. What is the use of a friend but help friends when

they are in trouble. Hopefully this issue can be prevented in the future.


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